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Moustache Master
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Tuesday 25 June 2013 | 0 comments

BISMILLAH :> ASSALAMMUALAIKUM . see that picture ?yess . i need to be strong . i need to accept that his no longer mine . my friends told me to move on . easy to say than do :< this the second time i update my blog about him and same topic . ( sorry ) hmmm . well . firstly im happy that dia mampu move on . and im happy yg dia dah ta merana mcm mna dia couple dengan perempuan yg jahat mcm saya . 

Hai awakk :D saya kann rinduu awakk . rinduu nk tumbuk awak :P awak rindu saya tak ? :'> mesti la takk . ahahah . apa2 ja laa . awak jaga diri tau dzahir :') i wonder sometimes when i were dreaming about you , were you dreaming about me too ? when i miss you ,did you miss me too ? am i crazy ? am i blind ? to still be suffering like stupid after all of this time .did i lose my love to someone better and does she love you like i do ? you know i really really do :') so much i need to say :( been lonely since the day .the day you went away .  so sad but truth . bagi saya hanya awak sorang jaa :( you know im been crying since the day . the day you went away :( i remember the date . 20/3/2013 our love come to the end :( tapi takpa atleast Allah gantikan saya dengan orang yg lebih baik untuk awak . well . saya selalu pertikaikan . saya selalu ckp saya ta syg awak . saya dah boleh lupakan awak . saya ingt benda tuh betol . tapi bila saya dapat tau . saya jadi lemah ,saya nangis . then baru saya sedar yg saya actually still syg awak :( asal saya bodoh sangat :( btw thanks sebab dulu jadi milik saya , bagi saya awak paling terbaik . . hmmm . takpa laa ,saya ti cari orang yg sama mcm awak ,bak kata adele " never mind i'll find someone like you ,i wish nothing but the best for you '. and now i cry in the middle of the night for the same the thing :/ saya minta maaf sbb ta hargai awak duluu :') i just wish you will be mine back .i really wish thatt . :( hmm . ehh .awak ingt tak masa kt 288 ? masa tuh hujan kn ? awak ngn saya lari cari tempat nk berlindung ? hahaha . funny k . haaa .ingt tak masa nk pi mkn ? saya order nasi goreng .dekat sejam tak sampai ? sampai hati makcik tuh lupa bt saya punya . awak gelak ja masatuh kan ? ,jahat gilaa . awak ingt tak masa kita nak tgok gmbar The Hobbit ? kita pi mkn kfc . saya curi ubi awak :P haha sorry . tapi awak curi balikk .wajiaqq . ouh yaaa .the best part is newyear . masa tgok bunga api :( awak genggam tgn saya then hg ckp 'iloveyou' , kembang aihhh ,nyehnyehhhh .alahaii . stop la fatihah . awak mesti ta ingt kn :/ tuh semua kenangan . hikhikk . every night i cries and die a little more each time my tears fall :( hmmmmmm . bila awak ckp awak nk kawan ngn saya ,awak tau dak jantung saya remuk :( 

writting here .because theres nothing left for me to do :( . so this is the way i will tell you that i will leave you alone if you want to :') cukup dah semua saya lalui sorang-2 . awak tadak pon bersama saya :'( i know this time ,i will give up ;") saya mintaa maaf sangat kalau dulu awak bnyk sgt derita sbb saya k . saya tak sengaja :'( saya tahu saya tak layak nk ckp yg saya sayang awakk . awak tahu tak saya tak pernah lupakan awak . sejak pertama kali kita kenal :( im dead inside . please bring me back to life :( saya tulis blog ni untuk awak .supaya awak tahu dan awak sentiasa ingt yg saya perlukan awak lebih dari segalanya :( and the world seems not so clear since you walked away through the door :( i knew all i need is you :/ when im sad its you who take my pain away . and you are the one who keep me wide awake :( k . saya rasa saya nak cakap yang ni ja kut ? actually apa yg ada kt hati saya takleh nk ungkap .susah tahuu :/ tapi igtt . jaga diri . jgn ponteng sklh . jgn balik lewat-2 . jgn pergi bt bnda bukan2 , kalau lapar mkn jgn tahan , kalau sakit duk rumah ,jgn melilauu , jgn mndi lama2 , nnti dpt paru2 berair :( jgn tikam blkg kawan k syg ? bye .theres nothing to say . words aren't going to change everything :( iloveyou darling . muahhhh :* 

Ink by : me :')
to : you :')

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